Honesty & Business Ethics



          This week's lesson focused on honesty and business ethics.  There were two key objectives I would really like to implement in my personal life.  The first was from Elder Robbins BYU devotional "Making a living and a Life".  The main objective in his talk was to "focus on what's important to the Lord".  If we do this in every area of our life, everything else falls in place.  This doesn't mean there will not be challenges or trials, but if we are focused on this one idea, it will be easier to endure.  He goes on to say to the easiest way to do this is to have your primary motivation be the "love of God and your fellow man" and your secondary "income".  By doing this we can keep our lives on the "A-level".  This requires three life applications: 

  1. building his kingdom and strong valiant families
  2. honest dealings with fellow men and use our talents for serving others
  3. filling your life with good work and be a positive influence in the world and at work
        There were several levels to choose from and the lowest level "F" in which our decisions are focused on the love of money, greed, pride, and anything that can destroy nations and/or societies; which are not limited to and may include porn, gambling, prostitution, drugs, etc.  This level of living rejects anything Godly and can be linked to the adversary.

        The second take away from this week was Jim Ritchie's six step formula.  This formula is a combination of Paul Getty and David Haight's mentoring advice that Ritchie has patterned his life after and Launching Leaders, goes on to say "the formula leads to success and an abundant and joyful life.
The Formula is pretty simple: 

  • Get up early- this allows reflection, devotion, quiet time with the Lord
  • Work hard- not just at a profession, but at everything you do in life
  • Get your education- learn about any and everything, from simple to complex
  • Find your oil- find your purpose
  • Make your mark- be a positive influence to others and the world 
  • Give back- share your talents, blessings, and always show gratitude to the Lord for them
        The world would be even more amazing to live in if we pattern our lives after these principals!



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